This is an iPad Android app which will tell a patient who suffers from diabetes specifically
what foods they have selected as well as track their blood sugar level but at the same time suggest alternative foods with the same flavor
which will not spike your random blood sugar.
I'm a member of the Academy of Clinical Toxicologists, an expert in quantitative research design, former professor of pathophysiology, preventive medicine, and the copyrighted inventor of lower six saucers and math to pictures. In other words, I don't write the guidelines that everybody else follows. I invent the guidelines for people and patients to get better. If you want to improve your life within a few clicks on your iPad or Android phone, download the app, start clicking, start shopping, start eating, start feeling better, start living, and stop dieting.
So now let's show you how to use the app for both Android and iOS users.
Hence the patient or person adjust their diet by eating foods with the flavors they like are foods that will lower their ALC over time to six by better nutrition and not by adding some new medication that is never covered by your insurance company. The local grocery store and shopping list now become a pharmacy and prescription pad respectively. The iPad, Android phone app will also help a person consume foods grouped by flavors which have a low risk of starting any cancerous process in the body. I've dedicated 12 years of my life defining the scientific nutritional principles which can stave off preventable disease.