Looking back provides more answers than looking forward.
A summary of my research findings shows that PREVIOUS studies for certain women started on
Hormonal Replacement Therapy for 10 years, between the ages of 50-60, show drastic decrease in
the development of Altzheimers disease for which the Details of my investigation can be accessed
here: Link
In summary here is what should be the;
1. 50 year old Menopausal woman Low risk for Breast Cancer, (No 1st degree female relative with Breast Cancer)/High risk for Alzheimer’s (Family History of Alzheimer’s disease)
- Yearly screening mammogram
- Low dose estrogen/progesterone (if the woman has a uterus). PremPro (Drug)
- Low dose estrogen (if the woman does not have a uterus)
2. 50 year old Menopausal woman High risk for Breast CA, (1st degree female relative with Breast Cancer)/High risk for Alzheimer’s (Family History of Alzheimer’s disease)
- Yearly screening mammogram
- If the woman has or does not have a uterus. Raloxifene (Drug)
3. 50 year old Menopausal woman Low risk for Breast Cancer, (No 1st degree female relative with Breast Cancer)/High risk for Alzheimer’s (Family History of Alzheimer’s disease)
- Yearly screening mammogram
- If the woman does not have a uterus. Raloxifene (Drug) or Tamoxifen (Drug)
Men or Women with Early onset Alzheimer’s (Too late for PREVENTION)
Use of the following combination of drugs which target inflammation/fatty plaque buildup at physiological steps of cholesterol processing and feed into the inflammatory pathways for cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase production. Moderate dosing of each drug is the theoretical starting point.
- Niacin ER 1000mg BID or Fenofibrate 140mg QD
- ASA 81 mg BID
- OMEGA 3-6-9 1000mg QD
- Orlistat 120mg TID or Zetia 10mg QD
The Lower6 BLOG focuses on presenting basic physiology in a format that helps empower the reader
into making correct health choices. Just keep in mind that there were a lot of intelligent,
double and triple board certified individuals who embraced the half truths regarding prescribing
opioid based drugs and pushing Vitamin deficiency scams where a lot of people get PLAYED while
other people are getting PAID.
Do not claim ignorance of physiology as a green light for being
scammed but become empowered instead by studying subjects discussed on this blog.