New research discounts the long-held notion that aspartame and other nonnutritive sweeteners (NNS) have no effect on the human body
In a study, researchers found that these sugar substitutes are not metabolically inert and can alter the gut microbiome in a way that can influence blood glucose levels. Saccharin, sucralose, aspartame, or stevia.
These researchers may have forgotten to invite a HONEY BEE to their investigative project. Why test the ARTIFICIAL sweetener when there is the "OFFICIAL", low Glycemic Index/Glycemic loaded sweetener called — NATURAL Bees Honey?
One can bake, add, top off and even glaze from drinks to foods with Natural Bees honey, but keep just one simple rule in mind. Honey is nutritious, but should only be introduced to the children after they are one year old. This is to avoid infant botulism, an illness that may occur due to the consumption of honey by children below the age of one year.
In a world however where you might think to yourself why is this so bad but it tastes so good? Knowing the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load will free you from thinking that, to living this, Natural Bees Honey tastes so good and it is not at all bad for my health.
Remember, remember the purpose of the lower 6 program is to preserve the flavors you LIKE eating but just choosing the rice, bread, pasta, pizza, dessert and natural sweetener etc.... that frees you to keep on eating and not develop metabolic disease.